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Partition Memory Project


Creative Director, Designer, Animator

Type Design

 Poppins by Indian Type Foundry, Jonny Pinhorn

Made With

Alexandera Marca (Producer), Emily McDowell (Copywriter), 'Duff' Woon Kee Yong

When independent India awoke to its freedom at the stroke of midnight in August 1947, millions lost their homes and histories. As their final act, the British Raj split India into two nations: India and Pakistan. Dividing the world's most heterogeneous country— spurring history’s largest mass migration and years of chaos, violence and murder.

With up to 20 million people affected and a million dead, the Partition is the most defining event in the modern history of the Subcontinent. Despite its importance, few memorials exist that document what was lost. 

For my senior thesis at SCAD, I built a tool that allowed survivors to share stories from the Partition.  The Partition Memory Project is a multi-lingual automated video system that allowed anyone to create a video about the partition by simply filling out an online form.

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